The Screwtape Letters / Mere Christianity

[November/December 2003]

Attention, closet theologians…
Well, according to our diverse group of readers, C.S. Lewis is both highly UNreadable and downright brilliant. We mainly agreed that the content was by far both books’ strong points.
Our ratings:


The Screwtape Letters
Highest rating: 9.5
Lowest rating: 6
Average rating: 7.3


Mere Christianity
Highest overall rating: 9.5
Lowest overall rating: 4
Average overall rating: 7.4
Average rating of content alone: 8.4

To Kill a Mockingbird

[October 2003]

To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Highest rating: 9.5
Lowest rating: 6
Average rating: 8.45

As a group we had a brief compare/contrast discussion between Mockingbird and The Secret Life of Bees.

The Secret Life of Bees

[September 2003]


The Secret Life of Bees
Sue Monk Kidd

Highest rating: 8
Lowest rating: 4.9
Average rating: 6.82


Fun facts:
• We were fairly evenly split regarding the ending:
—About 1/3 thought T-Ray was telling the truth;
—About 1/3 thought T-Ray was lying;
—About 1/3 thought it was left intentionally ambiguous.

• Vanilla cola and unsalted peanuts is a tasty treat but may not be as tasty as regular Coke and salted peanuts.