[March 2005]
In Her Shoes
Jennifer Weiner
number of voters: 5
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 6.8
lowest rating: 5
average rating: 6.16
It seems that the strongest compliment we can give this book is, “Well, I didn’t NOT like it.” It was an easy read, definite summer (or late spring) fare. But there were, to put it mildly, some annoying characters. We found it difficult to relate to many of the people.
The conflict was a tad repetitive (“We get it already.”), while the resolution was too quick (“What? They’re suddenly best friends forever?”).
But we didn’t NOT like it. We just didn’t LOVE it.
percentage of voters who also read Jennifer Weiner’s first novel, Good in Bed, and strongly recommend it over this one: 100