[September 2005]
The Devil Wears Prada
Lauren Weisberger
number of voters: 10
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 6.5
lowest rating: 2
average rating: 4.675
Do you want to read a moderately cheesy book with mediocre writing about two somewhat annoying main characters and a completely shallow storyline? Then The Devil Wears Prada is the book for you! This story about a mean (some might say evil) boss in the world of high fashion and her everyday-more-like-her personal assistant provides dozens (some might say hundreds) of examples of how mean and shallow people can be to get what they want. Though it might fall under the general heading of “chick lit,” have no fear! It is not a shining example of this oft-looked-down-upon genre. The Devil Wears Prada proves that a moderately interesting story idea combined with industry insider information does not necessarily a good book make (nor a good author). Read this book and you might possibly be entertained. Read this book and you will definitely be inspired to: love your job less and your family more; recognize how good you’ve got it (even though you don’t write for the Holy Grail of magazines: The New Yorker); and be proud of your I-got-this-entire-ensemble-at-Target-for-only-$24.99 outfit.