[August 2006]
A Girl Named Zippy
Haven Kimmel
number of voters: 8
percentage of voters who finished the book: 62.5 (5 of 8)
highest rating: 8.5
lowest rating: 6
average overall rating: 7.75
average rating of finishers only: 8.1
If we learned anything at all from Jerry Seinfeld it’s that stories about nothing can be funny and that ordinary people can be entertaining.
Haven Kimmel bets the trailer that she’s got that finding-humor-in-the-ordinary skill in her memoir A Girl Named Zippy. It has all the makings of a dull memoir—small girl in a small town where anything can happen but usually doesn’t. And if it weren’t for Zippy and her wide eyes and ears and the big mouth that brings more trouble than it keeps at bay, Mooreland Indiana might fade into obscurity… well, okay, it probably will anyway, but at least with Kimmel’s vivid memory and scathing attention to detail, we can visit anytime we want.
What Jerry Seinfeld did for a group of average friends living not-so-average lives in New York, Haven Kimmel does for an average girl growing up in a not-so-average way in small town Indiana.