I Know This Much Is True

[April 2008]

I Know This Much Is True
Wally Lamb

number of voters: 4
percentage of voters who finished the book: 75
highest rating: 8.5
lowest rating: 5
average rating: 6.625

percentage of readers who wish their life was as cheery as Dominick Birdsey’s: 0

If our lives were as rotten as Dominick Birdsey’s, maybe we’d be grumpy, pessimistic cranks too. And maybe we’d swear just as much.

And maybe Wally Lamb intended I Know This Much to Be True to be a long, foreboding journey.

But that doesn’t mean that we have read it. Or like it.

We were interested in the story; it was mysterious, intricate, believable (mostly). The dynamic between the brothers was riveting. The familial history was fascinating.

But just once, maybe, we would have liked Dominick to take a “glass half full” approach to life. Just once we would have liked the author to have offered a glimmer of hope.

The few who read to the last page were rewarded with an unexpected shining moment. But it was a long time coming.