number of voters: 6
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 9
lowest rating: 6
average rating: 7.33
percentage of readers who laughed and/or cringed, possibly at the same time: 100
If thou dost wish to laugh, if thou dost long for thy thoughts to be provoked, if thou seekest a respite from the typical retelling of the gospel, might we recommend the irreverent Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff?
We might. It depends.
Christopher Moore (whose author photos show him in a ratty t-shirt and baseball cap) takes his readers on a gleeful tour of the life of Christ, as told by the imaginary—and imaginative—Biff.
It is hilarious. It is troubling. It is moving. It is raunchy (very much so). It is well-researched and well-written. It is too long, but it is a quick read. It is believable and yet completely unbelievable. It is arguably accurate in its adherence to scripture, but it is full of colorful writing between the lines. It is a story you probably know, but it is completely unique. It might even drive you to your knees (if only to pray for your mind to be cleansed... or for the author’s soul).
Still confused? Maybe this will help:
Art thou easily offended in matters of faith and religion? This book is probably not for you.
Art thou willing to suspend thy disbelief for 400-some pages and look at the life of Christ in a whole new way? This book might possibly be for you.
Give it a try and let us know what you think. Or don’t. Direct all complaints and/or compliments to Christopher Moore.