[November 2009]
M.T. Anderson
number of voters: 7
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 8.75
lowest rating: 3
average rating: 5.75
percentage of readers who rushed out to get new lesions after reading this book: 0
I read a young adult book to have fun, but the book turned out to completely suck.
Well, maybe not completely. But mostly. I mean, I don’t know for sure because I can’t remember what they taught is in School Inc. about what books are for. Are they supposed to be funny? scary? weird? Are you supposed to learn stuff from them or, like, just be entertained or something?
So, in the story there was this meg stupid guy with this totally weirdo name and he kind of liked this girl, I guess, and they were, like, Do you come to the moon often? No, you? Sometimes. Da da da da.
And then some whacked out unit totally hacks their feeds. He’s all, We enter a time of calamity! We enter a time of calamity! Then, BAM! No more feeds! Then it was, like, totally crazy and I wanted to read more because can you even imagine what life must be like without being connected to anything, just you all alone by yourself?
Then their feeds get fixed and the girl is all weird and then the guy doesn’t like her so much anymore. But he does get a totally brag upcar.
Everything kind of falls apart after that though, and the book is a meg downer and I thought well, maybe books are supposed to be kind of, like, preachy? But really, it was meg null and nothing really ever happened. I kind of laughed at some parts, but then I started wondering if the book was really, like, laughing at me?
So I just deleted it from my feed.