Half the Sky

[January 2011]

Half the Sky, Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn
number of readers: 7
ratings: unrated, recommended


“Women hold up half the sky.” —Mao Tse-Tung

And the sky is falling.

Today, right now, this very moment… women and girls are being exploited, oppressed, and abused.

Today, right now, this very moment… you can do something about it.

Will you?

Can you seize this opportunity to decide that you will not look the other way? That you will not shrug? That you will not think the problem is so big that one person cannot make a difference?

Are you wondering what you could possibly do to change the world? Here are a few suggestions from someone who feels exactly like you do:

• Read the book Half the Sky.

There are millions of causes out there. And there are millions of ways to help. The first step is choosing not to look away.