[February 2011]
number of voters: 8
percentage of voters who finished the book: 88
highest rating: 8.5
lowest rating: 7
average rating: 7.9375
average star rating: 3.875 stars
This is probably my twentieth attempt to begin this recap.
A sample of what’s already been tried (and deleted):
-God can use anyone.
-Do you consider yourself courageous?
-Let me tell you my version of events… (from Deb’s perspective)
-Did you wake up today? Be glad!
-Even if you ain’t a big reader type, this here is one good story.
-An art dealer, his chipper wife, and a homeless guy walk into a bar…
As you can see I’ve not made a lot of progress.
It’s ironic that a book that our group rated so highly should leave me so stymied to recap. Then again, maybe it’s because this book is so unusual.
Same Kind of Different as Me is a real story about real people and their very real journey from ignorance and indifference to trusting both in people and in God. And yet somehow that summary doesn’t even begin to convey the depths of this book. I could relay the plot, but only in reading it for yourself will the story come to life. It is more than a story; it is a journey.
So, I guess in conclusion I will say: God CAN use anyone, and even if you ain’t a big reader, this here is one good story.