The Help

[July 2011]

The Help
Kathryn Stockett

There are people out there. People who get together & read. God made them just like us but they are different. Especially the ones who form groups. Groups who all read the same books & talk about them. They've got a language all their own & it's dangerous. It's fine to talk to these 'readers' (& hire them to do work for you...& raise your children) but don't ever share or borrow a book from them. They have different germs, different diseases. Diseases that are passed through the pages of those books they all read in one big happy group. God loves them (& I do too, of course, being a good Christian woman) but I just don't understand. I'm starting to think that we might need a separate 'readers' bathroom in the garage. I do have a friend, Skeeter, who insists on being a part of a book group & I pray for her. She seems to want to understand & hear different readers point of view. She's even taken to 'rating' the books she reads with numbers AND stars. Lord help her. So please, just be careful when you meet someone who is a reader. I wouldn't want you to become one, too. In other news, I am so proud to announce that i am the chairwoman for the annual fundraiser to end illiteracy! This really is a huge problem that we should all be aware of & help in any way we can. Please drop off your old boots at our house anytime to help all of these poor illiterate children.

number of voters: 9
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 10
lowest rating: 8.5
average rating: 9.22
average star rating: 4.5 stars


movie review:
i wanted to write a big amazing review of 'the help', comparing the movie & the book, astounding all with my astute observations (& use of the word astute) but i don't have a lot to say. Only that i loved the book & i loved the movie (have seen & read both twice). i thought that the movie followed the book really well. the characters were so well cast, (my very favorites were Abelene, Hilly & Celia). There were a few relationships that i thought the movie portrayed so well: between Ablene & Mae Mobley, between Abelene & Minny, & between Minny & Celia. All of those connections were so sweet & funny, they made me very thankful for some of my own relationships. There were a few things left out of the movie (as per usual) that i thought were just fine. Not meeting Stewart's parents was not a film killer, but i was sad that they weren't able to make the arc about Constantime & Rachel more true to the book. i understand why they didn't (not enough time, too far off the story's path) but i thought it was such an interesting part of the book, i was disappointed that it couldn't be included in the movie. also i wish we could have seen Skeeter after she went to New York. in the book she comes back & someone sees her with her long hair & short skirt. This definitely has more to do with my love of fashion, but still!!! it would have been fun :) in conclusion, i loved the book & i loved the movie (oh, that was my beginning, too). did you see the movie? what did you think?