House Rules

[June 2012]

House Rules, Jodi Picoult
number of voters: 4
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 6.75
lowest rating: 4
average rating: 5.6875


The Case of the Disappointed Book Club

In September of 2003, the First Monday Reading Group was formed. They met monthly, discussing and rating one book per month. The group was a success. By December of 2005, they had read 22 books, but not one of the books had ever received that elusive perfect rating—a 10.

Then, that December, came a book by Jodi Picoult titled My Sister’s Keeper. The book was a hit. It received not only the first individual rating of 10 but also the highest average rating (8.49) of any book that had come before it.

Years passed, the group became the Final Monday Reading Group, and in 2012 they decided to read another Jodi Picoult book, House Rules. It was to be the group’s 96th book. Many of the earlier group member’s had moved away or had their time occupied by other interests and responsibilities. But expectations were still piqued by the return of a Picoult title.

Those expectations would be dashed, severely. House Rules, they discovered, was exactly like every other Piccoult story: controversial topic + young love + courtroom drama + unconventional ending = bestseller.

One might argue that what some people call formula others call style or genre or niche. One might argue that the formula is the reason Picoult’s books are bestsellers. One might argue that our expectations were too high. One might argue that, yes, Picoult did indeed need every single one of those when-will-it-ever-end five hundred and sixty pages.

If that is the argument you want to make, a Jodi Picoult book is just the book for you. But if you ask the Final Monday Reading Group, we recommend that Jodi Picoult book be My Sister’s Keeper.
