Me Talk Pretty One Day

[September 2012]


Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris
number of voters: 6
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 8
lowest rating: 5
average rating: 6.92


There are a limited number of people in the world who could pull off Me Talk Pretty One Day, an autobiographical selection of short stories that straddles topics from the devastating lows of drug addiction to the social humiliation of a turd that refuses flushing.

David Sedaris has so much Voice with a capital V that your life feels—without a hint of jealousy—wholly unremarkable in comparison. The book unfolds in chaotic bursts of nearly-normal-No-wait-this-isn’t-normal-at-all stories. It all feels larger than life and yet somehow almost completely ordinary. (You may have taken a French class, but it was never as interesting or comical. Your father may have had a nickname, but nothing as quirky as “The Rooster,” who refers to himself in the third person. You possibly have created a work of art at some point in your life, but—guaranteed—it was not a performance piece in which you heated up a skillet of plastic soldiers and poured a milkshake over your head.)

Reasons you might like this book: It is authentic, hilarious, remarkable. It is about a not-so-average average guy whose life is sometimes messy and messed up but maybe no more than you, the average reader.

Reasons you might not like this book: It is visceral, shattering, unpleasant. It is about a once drug-addicted, often messed up not-so-average average guy whose life is often well-intentioned and rarely in one piece but maybe no more than you, the messed-up reader.

Like it or not, you won’t read anything else quite like a David Sedaris book. Guaranteed.

(Milkshake not included.)