[April 2005]
Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons
Lorna Landvik
number of voters: 7
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 9.25
lowest rating: 6.5
average rating: 7.92
For those of you who could not make it to our meeting, allow me to give you a brief description of our appetizers (provided by Jenna):
Bon bons (of course)
Bananas with pineapple garnish
Sunflower seeds
For those of you who do not understand the relevance of the snack items, read the book! We all recommend it.
Angry Housewives is both fun summer reading and controversial discussion topic. It is an easy, quick read, but it is also deep and intense in the issues it tackles.
Author Lorna Landvik (whose book jacket photo looks c.1988) tells the story of five women—neighbors who become friends, bound together by a lifetime of books. As readers, we were quickly invested in each of these women. We see their lives unfold through the lens of historic and controversial events (such as: war, abuse, homosexuality, and inter-racial adoption), but more importantly through the lens of their book group choices.
Our complaints were few. Some of us found the chapter organization at the beginning moderately confusing. Some found the author’s “agenda” led to obvious plot directions. Some wanted the women’s bookclub to remain such: a women’s book club. But these complaints were few compared to the enjoyment we shared in reading and discussing this book. Oh, and the meeting lasted nearly 2-1/2 hours!
To make a long story short, read this book!
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