[April 2006]
The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown
number of voters: 8
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100%
highest rating: 8.5
lowest rating: 5
average rating: 7.28
percentage of voters who thought the book had any negative effect on their faith: 0
percentage of voters whose names make funny anagrams: 100
Chapter 1
The readers of the First Monday reading group met in a cozy little home on the west end of Eugene, in western Oregon, a state in the western United States. Coincidence… or conspiracy!?!?! Even more startling is that BOOK CLUB is an anagram for BOOB LUCK…
Chapter 2
The topic at hand was the The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown. Most of the readers really enjoyed the book, and nearly everyone thought it was a suspenseful page-turner with a mystifying maze of puzzles. There was, however, some disagreement…
Chapter 3
The disagreement was about the separation of fact from fiction; that is, whether a novel that purports itself to be based in fact but obviously is not thoroughly based on fact can succeed in fiction if the reader cannot determine where fact ends and fiction begins and vice versa. Which brings us to the next great mystifying discovery: FACT VERSUS FICTION is merely an anagram for A CITRIC VENT OF FUSS.
Chapter 4
In the end, those who love a good suspense novel loved this one. Those who don’t didn’t. Those who could easily accept the novel as plain old good fiction enjoyed the book. Those who couldn’t didn’t. And finally those who enjoy a GOOD MYSTERY are more likely to enjoy MY GORED TOYS.
Next month we will be meeting to discuss The True Story of Hansel and Gretel by Louise Murphy, whose name is an anagram for HE IS YOUR LUMP.
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