[June 2006]
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Ann Brashares
number of voters rating the book: 9
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100%
highest rating: 9
lowest rating: 7
average rating: 7.83
number of voters rating the movie: 11
highest movie rating: 9.5
lowest movie rating: 6
average movie rating: 7.73
percentage of voters who preferred the book to the movie if they read the book first: 100
percentage of voters who preferred the movie to the book if they saw the movie first: 100
as a group, we are:
35.8% Bridget
35.8% Carmen
22.5% Lena
13.3% Tibby
2.5% Effie
Dearest Bee-Gee—
I could TOTALLY relate to the book you sent me! The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was SOOO good, and perfect for summer reading. If only WE had a pair of pants like that! That author must have a really good memory of her teen years to write so well about us. It fit us to a T! (as long as we’re talking fitted, faded, favorite T and NOT dirty Hanes T like my little brother wears — UCK!!!) I wish I had as much freedom as the girls in that book had—I can almost feel my mom breathing down my neck even as I write this. But mostly I LOVED this book. I’m sending you a book too… It’s called The Phantom Tollbooth and I really want to know what you think. We can talk all about it when I see you on August 7th. OMG! It’s only THREE WEEKS away!!!!
Big Xs and Os
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