[March 2008]
The Time Traveler’s Wife
Audrey Niffenegger
number of voters: 5
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 7
lowest rating: 6
average rating: 6.45
number of readers who, in the middle of book group, time traveled to their high school reunion and visited with their high school selves: 1
Monday night.
7:08 pm.
Everyone is glad for a chance to discuss this book. It is nothing if not memorable.
7:18 pm.
We don’t really like the book. It’s hard to follow. The characters are unlikable. There are quite a few raw, ugly sex scenes.
7:42 pm.
The ending confuses us, disappoints us, intrigues us, surprises us, pleases us—sometimes all of these together. There is much discussion about what actually takes place.
7:23 pm.
We think the time traveler himself is a little creepy. We try to like him, but we don’t always succeed. He both pitiable and despicable. His wife is sometimes pathetic. We like her mostly, but not always. They do not leave us ambivalent.
7:30 pm.
We heartily agree that Gomez is the worst character in the book, on many levels.
We wouldn’t recommend The Time Traveler’s Wife to just anyone, but we would recommend it, with caution, to some. It is a book that hits you like an exposed nerve, shocking and sometimes uncomfortable, but it is an experience you will always remember.
7:36 pm.
We do kind of like this book. It scores major points for originality. It’s incredibly romantic and dreamy. We are amazed that this is the author’s first novel.
7:00 pm.
Christina, Megan, and Stephanie arrive at Angie’s house, each with a copy of this month’s book, The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
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