[July 2008]
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
Kim Edwards
number of voters: 5
percentage of voters who finished the book: 80
highest rating: 8.5
lowest rating: 3
average rating: 5.6
number of books, including this one, for which Angie has written a recap without having read the book: 1
No one knows for sure who recommended The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. If only we knew, then we would have someone either to thank or to blame.
Some enjoyed the writing style, others despised it. Some felt no attachment to the characters, others connected with them. Some thought it was an easy read, others just couldn’t get into it.
The one point on which we could almost agree was that the storyline was interesting—albeit depressing.
The story centers on an over-achieving doctor and his wife and their set of twins. The son arrives first, a healthy strapping boy. The daughter comes next, but is seen by her father as imperfect because of her Downs syndrome. He secretly sends the daughter to an institution and tells his wife she arrived stillborn. From here the story unwinds in a slow burn, as lies and deception tear the once-happy couple apart and a new life comes to an unexpected mother.
As a group, we enjoyed discussing the realism of the book’s plot as well as its relationship to other books we’ve read recently.
Maybe the best summary of our opinion on this book is this: When I asked if I should take the time to read it, no one really said yes.
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