number of voters: 6
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 7.5
lowest rating: 5
average rating: 6
percentage of readers who think the book would have been more powerful if (spoiler alert!) justice had not been meted out: 100
Dear reader,
Meet me at The Shack. There, we will together contemplate all that is mysterious about the Trinity. We will wrestle with guilt and pain and fear. We will ponder the judgment seat and the Judge’s seat. We will stare in wonder at forgiveness and grace.
Sound serious? It can be. Sound hokey? Okay, well, maybe it’s that too. But if it doesn’t make you think, then it has failed completely.
If you believe that no one can completely know and understand the Trinity or the depth of human emotion or judgment and grace, then you are right. But who is to say that one little human author can’t give it his best shot? You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to agree with it. But you should probably read it. And discuss it. And prepare to answer questions about it.
So I’ll see you at The Shack. It might not be easy or pretty or perfect or likable, it’s definitely a trip.
i'm so glad you are doing this!
so so glad!
go you!
by this
i meant the blog
not reading 'the shack'...
i mean go you
for reading the shack
but go you-er for starting the blog...
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