[May 2018]
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman
Average rating: 9.18
Highest rating: 9.5
Lowest rating: 9
Number of voters: 5
Percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
Spoiler alert: Eleanor Oliphant is not completely fine.
This is the story of an unusual girl living what would seem an ordinary life. Eleanor Oliphant is occasionally endearing, periodically unlikeable, often pitiable, sometimes relatable, always unique—but not fine at all.
At first, Eleanor does seem fairly normal. It is only as the novel progresses that it becomes more apparent that something isn't quite right. There is an edge of something just beneath the surface that leaves you uneasy.
In her first novel, Gail Honeyman displays the talent of slowly revealing information so that the reader is continually interested but must continually show patience. You can trust Honeyman; she delivers plot points and character insights in her time—and the humor and pop culture easter eggs are an added bonus.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is the story of an unusual girl. But it is also a story of friendship and the barriers we erect to protect ourselves. It is the story of how none of us stay the same forever.
Like Eleanor, we might say we are completely fine. Someday that might actually be true.
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