Little Bee

[April 2011]

Little Bee
Chris Cleave

number of voters: 8
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 7.5
lowest rating: 3.5
average rating: 5.0625
average star rating: 2.5 stars
special prize: most brilliant marketing concept ever

We want to tell you what happens in this book.

It is a truly mediocre story and we want to spoil it.

However, you need to know enough not to buy it, so we will just say this:


This is the story of two women (an African girl who calls herself Little Bee and a spoiled, unlikable British woman named Sarah). Their lives collide one fateful day (on a Nigerian beach, where Little Bee is fleeing for her life and Sarah is being a stubborn, stupid British tourist), and one of them has to make a terrible choice (cut off your finger and possibly save a girl’s life or return to England with all ten digits in tact). Two years later, they meet again (when Little Bee shows up on Sarah’s doorstep on the day of Sarah’s husband’s funeral)—the story starts there (well, not really… it actually starts somewhere else, but that isn’t as interesting for the book’s front flap)…

Once you have read it, you’ll want to tell your friends about it (because you’ll want them to know that it’s best not to judge a book by its totally awesome cover). When you do, please tell them what happens (because you’ll want to warn them to not believe the hype). The magic is more in how the story unfolds than that there is some giant plot twist.

Let us say just one more thing: Little Bee does indeed have something to offer. It is far from amazing and completely over-hyped, which can lead to an overwhelming sense of disappointment; however, there are moments of dazzling color, and the story raises some intriguing topics to discuss. The thing of it is, we feel you should decide to read this book not because of the hype or the great mysterious plot twist pushed by its marketing campaign, but because it sounds interesting to you.


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