[May 2011]
The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
number of voters: 3
percentage of voters who finished the book: 100
highest rating: 8
lowest rating: 6
average rating: 7
average star rating: 3.3 stars
note: One reader chose not to finish the book because she very much disliked it. She did not give it a rating.
- There are layers to this book that we didn’t even realize existed until after we’d put it down.
- It is possible to write a piece of modern fiction that doesn’t fit the modern mold of the modern fiction genre.
- It’s okay to not always know what is happening as it is happening.
- Sometimes it’s a good thing to leave giant spaces on a page and make a reader try to turn the pages as fast as she can read them.
- If you’re going to write a book in which the title of the book refers to a book within that book, make sure the book within the book is better than the book within this book.
There is probably more. And yet. How can we convey the nuances of the story? How can we express the dichotomy of simplicity and complexity that fills its pages?
See for yourself. What will you learn from “The History of Love”?
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